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Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education and the Mass Media


Director: Constantinos Mourlas 
Professor of New Technologies

Contact numbers:
210 368 9426, 210 368 9268
Working hours: Mon-Fri 9:30-17:00

Lab: 1 Sophocleous Str., 2nd floor
Secretary: Niki Papastavrou
e-mail: npapast[at]media.uoa[dot]gr



The Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education and the Mass Media (UoA NTLab) was founded in June 1996 (Official Journal of the Greek Government No. 111A/10-6-1996), whereas it operates since 1992 within the Section of Culture, Environment, Communication Applications and Technology of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The Laboratory serves research and educational needs of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies in the field of new technologies and their applications in communication, education and the mass media.

The Laboratory offers students constant access to the internet to cover their training and practice needs. The activity record of UoA NTLab includes, among others, research and technological development projects, academic collaboration partnerships, organisation of scientific and cultural events, contribution in the edition of journals and set-up of digital media, production of educational software as well as education, training and new media literacy programs as described below:


  • UoA NTLab has undertaken, since 2002, desktop publishing, art direction and web edition responsibility for the “Edo Panepistimio” fortnightly journal [ http://edopanepistimio.uoa.gr/ ] of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
  • UoA NTLab is responsible for the development, construction and maintenance of numerous websites. Amongst the projects it has undertaken are the website of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, the Web-Radio page of the aforementioned Faculty, the website of the “Edo Panepistimio” fortnightly journal of the University of Athens, the webpage of the University Research Institute of Applied Communication, as well as research applications for data collection and processing.
  • NTLab, in collaboration with the European Universities Institute Superieur de Commerce Saint-Louis (Belgium), Université de Metz (France), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal) and Kemi-Tornio Polytechnic (Finland) in the set-up and operation of three European Postgraduate Degrees (“European Master in Ε-Business Management”, “European Master in Cyber-communication”, “European Master in Audiovisual & Multimedia Business Administration”, LEONARDO and MEDIA Programme, 1998-2004) that have been specialised in the development of professional skills in the corresponding areas of study.
  • In November 2003 UoA NTLab organised for the first time in Greece the 11th International Möbius Festival for the best quality productions in the field of digital culture. Additionally, since 1999 UoA NTLab has undertaken in coopration with the Centre of Applied Industrial Design (CAID) the organization of the Greek Möbius Festival with the objective of identifying and promoting high-quality multimedia productions in the areas of education, culture, science and fiction. In the context of the 6th Greek Möbius Festival on Multimedia and the Internet (Athens, November 2006), 3 thematic prizes and 2 special distinctions were awarded to projects distinguished for their quality and expertise, whereas the Francophone Möbius Prize was introduced for the first time.
  • Within the “Seirines” project (EPEAEK Program), the Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education and the Mass Media has undertaken, in collaboration with FINATEC, the study and design of the “21 En Plo” educational software title.
  • UoA NTLab has participated in this project together with research laboratories CEM GRESIC 5 (Centre d'Études des Médias, Université de Bordeaux 3, France), CETRANS (Centro per le Transizioni al Lavora e nel Lavoro, Université de Bologne, Italy), CREATIC (Centre de Recherche en Ergonomie Appliquée aux Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), IEPB (Institut d’Etudes Politiques Blanquerna, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain).
  • In the context of the project “Intercultural Approach of Myths, Mathematics and Learning Difficulties in the New Technological Communication Environment” (INTERREG-II Programme) UoA NTLab, together with the University of Aegean as prime contractor and the Universities of Cyprus, Lebanon and Cairo, has undertaken development of the Educational CD-ROM “Perseas”, a bilingual multimedia educational title in Greek and Arabic.
  • The Laboratory has realised the design, organisation and implementation of numerous actions for education, training and literacy in the new media.


Faculty Members

  • Michalis Meimaris, Professor Emeritus
  • Costas Mourlas, Associate Professor
  • Dimitris Charitos, Assistant Professor
  • Dimitris Gouscos, Assistant Professor



  • Dr. Giannakoulopoulos Andreas, Associate Professor, Ionian University
  • Delinikolas Dimitris, PhD Candidate
  • Giannara Irene, PhD Candidate
  • Koutsompolis Dimitris, PhD Candidate
  • Korakidou Veroniki, PhD Candidate
  • Lekkas Zacharias, PhD Candidate
  • Mpogiopoulos Stavros, Journalist
  • Papageorgopoulou Penny, PhD Candidate
  • Dr. Rizopoulos Haris
  • Dr. Saridaki Maria
  • Dr. Staiou Eleni - Revekka
  • Sotirakou Katerina, PhD Candidate
  • Dr. Timplalexi Elena
  • Tsakoumis Velissarios, IT