Dimitris Charitos | |
Education | 1994-1998 PhD in Interactive Design and Virtual Environments from the ABACUS Research Center in Architectural Computing, Department of Architecture, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. This research was conducted with the support of a two-year (Human Capital & Mobility) and a one-year (Marie Curie - Training and Mobility of Researchers) scholarships of the European Commission.
Master of Science (MSc) in Computer Aided Design, Department of Architecture, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland. 1984-1990 Diploma of Architectural Engineering, School of Architecture, National and Technical University of Athens. |
Academic Position | Assistant Professor of Design and Management of Digital Communication Environments |
Section | Section of Culture, Environment, Communication Applications and Technology |
Laboratory | Laboratory of New Technologies in Education, Communication and Mass Media (NTLab) |
Email Address | vedesign [at] otenet [dot] gr |
Webpage | vedesign.gr |
Courses | He teaches the following courses at the Department of Communication and Media Studies of the University of Athens: Undergraduate Courses:
Postraduate Courses:
Administrative Duties |
Research Interests |
His artistic work involves electronic music, audiovisual, non-interactive or interactive, site-specific installations and virtual environments. |
Indicative Publications | Publications in scientific magazines Diamantaki, K., Rizopoulos, C., Charitos, D., Tsianos, N., Gazi, A. (2011). “Theoretical and Methodological Implications of Designing and Implementing Multi-user Location-based Activities”. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 37-49, Springer. Charitos, D., Korakidou, V., Meimaris, M. (2010) “The e-MobiLArt Project: An Experiment in Collaboration at the Intersection of Art, Science and Technology”, Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, Vol. 43, Nr. 5,Cambridge,MA: MIT Press. Χαρίτος, Δ. (2007) «Τα μέσα επικοινωνίας δι’ εντοπισμού και οι επιδράσεις τους ως προς την κοινωνική αλληλόδραση στο περιβάλλον της σημερινής πόλης», Ζητήματα Επικοινωνίας, τχ. 5, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη, σελ. 46-61. Χαρίτος, Δ. (2005) «Δυνητική πραγματικότητα: ένα νέο σύστημα διεπαφής ανθρώπου-υπολογιστή ή ένα νέο μέσο επικοινωνίας; », Ζητήματα Επικοινωνίας, τχ. 2, Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Καστανιώτη, σελ. 83-99. Lepouras, G., Vassilakis, C., Katifori, V., Charitos, D. (2003). «Real Exhibitions in a VirtualMuseum», Virtual Reality, τομ. 7, τχ. 2, σελ.120-128.London: Springer – Verlag Limited. Bridges, A.H. & Charitos, D. (2001). “The Impact of form on Movement within Virtual Environments”, Automation in Construction, τομ.10, τχ. 5,Elsevier Science BV,Amsterdam, σελ. 589-596. Bridges, A.H. & Charitos, D. (1997). “On Architectural Design of Virtual Environments”, Design Studies, τομ. 18, τχ. 2, Elsevier Science Ltd., σελ.143-154.
Publications in collective volumes Diamantaki, K., Rizopoulos, C., Charitos, D. Kaimakamis, (2009). “Conceptualizing, Designing and Investigating Locative Media Use in Urban Space”, σε Willis, K.S., Roussos, G. Struppek, M., Chorianopoulos, K., (eds.), Shared Encounters: Content Sharing as Social Glue in Public Places, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Diamantaki, K. Rizopoulos, C., Charitos, D. & Tsianos, D. (2009) “LOCUNET: Location-based Games as Media Communicating Social Meaning”, σε Souza e Silva, Α. & Sutko, D. (eds.), Digital Cityscapes: Emerging Digital and UrbanPlayscapes,New York: Peter Lang. Diamantaki, K. & Charitos, D. (2008) “Locative Media in the City: Spatial Practices and Social Dynamics”, σε Eckardt, F. (επιμ.), “MediaCity: Situations, Practices and Encounters”,Berlin: Frank & Timme. Charitos, D. (2008) “Precedents for the design of Locative Media”, σε Saariluoma, P. & Isomäki, Η. (επιμ.) “Future Interaction Design II”,London: Springer Verlag. Charitos, D. (2005). “Communicating Environmental Meaning through Designing Space in Virtual Environments”, σε Ylä-Kotola, M.Y., Inkinen, S., Isomaki, H. (επιμ.), «The Integrated Media Machine: Aspects of Future Interfaces and Cross-Media Culture», Integrated Media Machine Vol. III, pp.13-35. European Institute of Sustainable Information Society. Rovaniemi:UniversityofLapland, ISBN: 951-634-966-8, σελ. 13-35. Spanou, I. & Charitos, D. (2005). “Towards defining the “atmosphere” and spatial meaning of virtual environments”, σε Ascott, R. (ed.), “Engineering Nature: Art and Consiousness in the Post-Biological Era”,Bristol,UK: Intellect Books, ISBN: 184150128X, σελ. 145- 151. Charitos, D. & Coti Κ. (2000). “The space of an audiovisual installation within a real and a virtual environment”, σε Ascott, R. (επιμ.), “Art, Technology, Consciousness”,Bristol,UK: Intellect books, ISBN: 1-84150-041-0, σελ. 113-118. Charitos, D. (1999). “Human Spatial Orientation in Virtual Worlds”, στο βιβλίο Ascott, R. (επιμ.) “Reframing Consciousness”, Bristol, UK: Intellect Books, ISBN 1-84150-013-5, σελ. 223-228. Petrou, C., Charitos, D., Martakos, D. (1999). “WWW Bookmark Modeling and Visualization: A Fuzzy Based Approach”, σε Bench-Capon, T., Soda, G. & Min Tjoa, A. (επιμ.), Database and Expert Systems Applications (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1677), Springer, σελ. 986-995. Bridges, A.H., Charitos, D., Rutherford, P. (1997). “Wayfinding, Spatial Elements and Spatial Support Systems in Virtual Environments”, σε Asanowicz, A. & Jakimowicz, A. (επιμ.), “CAAD - Towards New Design Conventions”, Technical University ofBialystok, Department of Architecture, ISBN: 83-86272-63-5, σελ. 75-104
Publications in conferences He has published more than 50 papers in conferences (peer reviewed). For a complete list of all publications please see: http://vedesign.gr/publications |