![]() | Nicolas Christakis, PhD
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Studies | Psychology at the University of Besançon. Ph.D. in Social Psychology obtained in 1986 at Paris X – Nanterre University (France). (Title : Pop-music: lieu d'identité et moyen d'expression collective). |
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Academic Position | Professor in Social Psychology. |
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Sector | Sector of Psychology of Communication, Communication Practices and Planning. |
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Laboratory | |
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Address | 1, Sophocleous Str., Athens, 10559, Greece (Office 315) |
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Telephone Number/Fax | +30 210-3689259, 3689265 / +30 210-3689258 |
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Email Address | |
Webpage | |
Courses | Undergraduate courses Social Psychology Communication psychology Close relationships Social Psychology of the mass media Social Psychology of Identity processes Postgraduate courses Methodology, qualitative methods, interview & life stories Conflicts, identities and culture |
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Administrative Duties | Director of the Communication & Media Psychology Lab. Director of the Postgraduate programme in Musical Culture and Communication (2011 - 2013). Director of the Sector of Psychology of Communication, Communication Practices and Planning (2010-2013). |
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Research Interests | Research interests focus on issues of interpersonal and social communication, close relationships (especially friendship), rituals, risk-taking behaviors (especially motorcycle driving), cultural consumption and production (especially rock music), identity processes, as well as social representations and social thought. |
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Indicative List of Publications | Books in Greek Children talk about health and illness: Social representations about health and illness of 10 year-old children (in collaboration with B. Davou) (Papazisis, Athens, 1994). Musical Identities: Life-stories of musicians and bands of the Greek independent rock community (Gutenberg-Typothito, Athens, 1999). Motorcycle: Risk-taking and the Sacred. (Futura, Athens, 2003). Self and the Others. Issues of Communication and Social Psychology. (Papazisis, Athens, 2010). Same Sex and Cross Sex Friendships. (in collaboration with P. Halatsis) (Papazisis, Athens 2011) Social Psychology of Mass Communications (Gutenberg-Typothito, Athens, 2016).
Editings in Greek Identities: Psychosocial integration (Editor, in collaboration with Kl. Navridis) (Kastaniotiw, Athens, 1997). Societies in crisis and seek of meaning (Editor, in collaboration with Kl. Navridis) (Pedio, Athens, 2011, first ed. 2005) The hypermodern subject (Editor, in collaboration with Kl. Navridis) (Pedio, Athens, 2011, first ed. 2010) Rock is dead… Long live rock! (Editor, in collaboration with Y. Kolovos) (Aprovleptes Ekdoseis, Athens, 2018)
Recent articles Christakis, N. Prise de risque et recherche des limites : exemple de la conduite à grande vitesse à moto. Revue internationale de psychosociologie (« Le sport à corps et cris », sous la direction de G. Amado et de M. Bolle de Bal), 2003, IX(20), 121-141. Christakis, N., Halatsis, P. L’amitié intersexe, ses clichés, ses subtilités. Nouvelle revue de psychosociologie, 2007, 4, 187-199. Halatsis, P., Christakis, N. The challenge of sexual attraction within heterosexuals’ cross-sex friendship. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2009, 26(6-7), 919-937. Gustave Le Bon’s mass psychology and some comments on social influence theory. Theory and society, 2011, 26, 165-182. Christakis, N., Analytis, A. Female motorcyclists: psychosocial career and aspects of femininity (in collaboration with A. Analytis). Social Sciences Review, 2013, 139(A’), 57-94. Christakis, N. Crowd and public between the psychological and the sociological: aspects of Gabriel Tarde’s social though. Science and Society, 2014, 32, 171-198. Christakis, N. A travers les livres (Note de lecture sur : Moscovici, S. (2012). Raison et cultures. Paris: Editions de l’EHESS et Moscovici, S. (2013). Le scandale de la pensée sociale. Textes inédits sur les représentations sociales réunis et préfacés par Nikos Kalampalikis. Paris : Editions de EHESS). Bulletin de Psychologie, 2015, 68(6), 505-509. Christakis, N., & Kalampalikis, N. (2017) Introduction to the epistemology of social representations and the psychology of the Social according to Serge Moscovici. Science and Society, winter 2016-17, 35, 189-216. Gerakopoulou, P., & Christakis, N. (2017). Star Trek: viewership reflections of exploration and conquest. In V. Vamvakas, & A. Gazi (Eds.), American TV series in Greece: ideological contradictions, cultural standards and psychosocial processes. Athens: Papazisis. Konstantelos, K., & Christakis, N. (2018). Emotional management on two wheels. International Journal οf Motorcycle Studies, 14. Taken from: http://motorcyclestudies.org/volume-14-2018/emotional-management-on-two-wheels-kimonas-konstantelos-nicolas-christakis/ Vassilopoulou, Μ., & Χρηστάκης, Ν. (2018). Recording hypermodernity: signs of hypermodern times and their tracking in Foxygen’s LP …And star power. In Y. Kolovos, N. Christakis (Eds.), Rock is dead… Long live rock! Athens, Aprovleptes Ekdoseis. |