Nicolas Demertzis | |
Education | 1976 Lyceum Certificate 1980 B.A. Honns. in Political Science: Panteion University of Political Sciences, Athens 1986 Ph.D. Sociology: University of Lund, Sweden |
Academic Position | Professor (part time since 2013) |
Section | Social and Political Analysis of Communication |
Webpage | |
Courses | Political Communication (2017-18) Public Opinion (2017-18) |
Administrative Duties | 2004-2009 Director of the section of Social and Political Analysis of Communication, Department of Communication and Mass Media, University of Athens 2010-2013 President of the Unit of Internal Evaluation of the Department of Communication and Mass Media, University of Athens. 2010-2013 President of the Board of Administrators, Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) Since 2013 Director and President of the Board of Administrators of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) |
Research Interests | Political Sociology, Political Communication, Social Theory, Cultural Sociology, Sociology of Emotions |
Indicative Publications | Indicative recent publications: 2011 «Emotions in the media and the mediatisation of traumas», in: Stylianos Papathanassopoulos (ed.) Media Perspectives for the 21st Century, London: Routledge, pp. 83-99. 2011 «The Drama of the Greek Civil War Trauma», in: R. Eyerman, J. C. Alexander, and E. Breese (eds.), Narrating Trauma. On the Impact of Collective Suffering, Paradigm Publications, pp. 133-162. 2011 «Internet use, political efficacy and freedom of expression in the cyberspace: The case of the Greek-Cypriot and Turkish-Cypriot community in Cyprus», Communication Issues, vol. 12-13, pp. 72-94 (with D. Milioni and V.Gialamas) (inGreek). 2013 «The Greek Green Voter: Environmentalism or Protest?», Environmental Politics, 22(5): 728-738 (with P. Vassilopoulos). 2013 Emotions in Politics. The Affect Dimension in Political Tension. Palgrave/MacMillan, London. 2013 (with E. Paschaloudi and G. Antoniou (eds). Civil War. Cultural trauma. Athens: Alexandria (in Greek). 2013 «Of Cynicism, Political Cynicism and Political Marketing», in: Kostas Gouliamos, Antonis Theocharous, and Bruce I. Newman (eds), Political Marketing. Strategic 'Campaign Culture', London: Routledge, (pp. 12-26). 2013 «Youth, ethnicity and a ‘reverse digital divide’: a study of internet use in a divided country», Convergence, vol. 20(3), pp. 316-336 (with D.L. Milioni and V. Doudaki). 2014 «Cynical democracy: the transformation of values of the political system», in: S.Seferiadis (ed.), The Democratic Function at a critical turning point. Challenges and threats in the early 21st century. Nisos Publications and EEPE, Athens. 2014 «Political Emotions», in: Paul Nesbitt-Larking, Catarina Kinnvall, Tereza Capelos, and Henk Dekker (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Political Psychology. London: Palgrave/Macmillan, σελ. 223-241. 2015 (with N. Georgarakis) Greece’s Political Portrait. Crisis and the deconstruction of the political. Gutenberg/National Centre for Social Research (in Greek). 2016 «Cultural Analysis in Greece. In Search of a Cultural Sociology», στο: S. Moebius et al. (Hrsg.) Handbuch Kultursoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien (with Nicos Souliotis και George Markatas). 2017 «Back to Black: Values, Ideology, and the Black Box of Political Radicalization», Science and Society, Vol. 35,pp. 35-68. (with T. Capelos and A. Katsanidou). 2017 Information Society. Government and the internet, Athens: National Centre for Social Research (in Greek). 2018 Multifaceted European Public Sphere: Socio-Cultural Dynamics (Media@LSE Working Paper Series No. 51). London: Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science (ISSN: 1474‐1938/1946) (with Tsekeris, C.). |