![]() | Liza Tsaliki |
Education | July 1997: D. Phil in Media Studies, Sussex University September 1991: M.A. in Regional and Urban Studies, Sussex University September 1990: Post-graduate course in Regional Development Institute, Pantion University, Athens June 1987: B.A. Hons in Political Science, Department of Political Science and Administrative Law, Athens University. |
Academic Position | 2016- to date: Associate Professor, Faculty of Communications and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2011- 2016: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Communications and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 2006-11: Lecturer, Faculty of Communications and Media Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 1996-end of 1999: University of Sunderland, Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies, Lecturer and Senior Lecturer |
Academic Awards & Honours | Visiting Fellow at the Faculty of Education and Arts, Edith Cowan University, Australia, July-August 2014 Visiting Senior Fellow at the LSE, media@LSE, 2011-2014, EUKIDS ONLINE III; Visiting Senior Fellow at the LSE, media@LSE, 2009-2011, EUKIDS ONLINE II; Visiting Research Associate at the LSE, media@LSE, December 2006-December2009 Canadian Studies Faculty Enrichment Programme, scholarship awarded by the Canadian Government, July-August 2007; the scholarship was highly competitive, with only six positions on offer to cover for the entire Eastern Mediterranean Basin. Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos (January 2003-January 2004)- Greek State Scholarship Foundation. Marie Curie Post-doctoral Fellowship at the Department of Communications at the University of Nijmegen (January 2000 until January 2002). |
Section | Section of Social and Political Analysis of Communication |
Email Address | etsaliki [at] media.uoa [dot] gr |
Webpage | tsalikiliza.wordpress.com |
Courses | Social Theory [1st semester] Information Society [4rd semester] Porn Studies [seminar; 6th and 8th semester] Cyberspace and the public sphere [postgraduate module, Programme in Political Communication and New Media] Final Year Thesis Supervision (optional) |
Scientific Focus Areas | My academic and research interests in the past few years are directly involved with citizenship and participation issues, whether from the point of view of pornography culture, celebrity culture and celebrity activism, children’s and young people’s internet practices and consumption, or children’s and young people’s sexualisation. I am a cultural studies expert and work with audiences. I am also interested in issues revolving around gender and technology (and sometimes, politics); sexuality, (including young people’s); constructions of femininity (especially through celebrity culture); television narratives; bullying practices among teenagers (including disabled people); public debates about children’s and young people’s everyday practices and consumption. |
List of Selected Publications | Indicative Publications Articles (peer reviewed) Tsaliki L. and Chronaki, D. (2016) Producing the porn self: an introspection of the mainstream Greek porn industry, Journal of Porn Studies, special issue on Porn and Labour, edited by Rebecca Sullivan, (2016) 3 (2), 1-13 Tsaliki, L. (2016) ‘Madam President’ and the need for a historical contextualization of the 2016 Race. In Lilleker, D.G., E. Thorsen, D. Jackson, and A.Veneti (eds) US Election Analysis 2016: Media, Voters and the Campaign. www.electionanalysis2016.us Tsaliki, L (2015) Popular culture and moral panics about ‘children at risk’: revisiting the sexualisation-of-young-girls debate, Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, Vol. 15 (5), 500-14. Tsaliki L. and Chronaki, D (2015) Rethinking the pornography debate in Greece: a country specific reading of an ‘old’ argument, Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 29 (6), 811-820 Tsaliki, L. and S. Kontogianni (2014).‘Bridging the disability divide?: Young children’s and teenager’s with disability internet experiences in Greece’, Journal of Children and Media 8 (2), 146-162 Tsaliki, L. (2013) ‘EUKidsOnline II: Ασφάλεια και κίνδυνοι στο διαδίκτυο: Η ευρωπαϊκή εμπειρία’, Ζητήματα Επικοινωνίας (Communication Issues) (in Greek), special anniversary issue 14: 230-250. Sarikakis, K. and L. Tsaliki, (2011) (in alphabetical order) Editorial introduction in ‘Post/feminism and the politics of mediated sex’, special issue in International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics (special issue) 7 (2): 109-19. Tsaliki, L. (2011) ‘Playing with porn: Greek children’s explorations in pornography’, Sex and Education 11 (3): 293–302. Sarikakis, K. and L. Tsaliki (2010) (in alphabetical order) Editorial introduction ‘Μέσα επικοινωνίας, πορνογραφία και παγκοσμιοποίηση’ (Media, Pornography and Globalization) in Ζητήματα Επικοινωνίας (Communication Issues) 11: 5-9 (in Greek). Tsaliki, L. and L. Haddon, (2010) Editorial introduction, special issue on EU Kids Online, International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, Vol 6 (1): 3-8 Bauwens, J., B. Lobe, K. Segers and L. Tsaliki (in alphabetical order) (2009), ‘A shared responsibility: Similarities and differences in the factors that shape online risk assessment for children in Europe’, Journal of Children and Media (special issue), 3 (4): 316-30. Tsaliki, L. (2007) ‘Citizenship and the politics of media and culture’, commentaries editorial in International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics (special issue), 3 (2): 167-9.
Non academic articles Tsaliki, L. Generation XXX: Why we're afraid of internet porn, 7 April 2014, Wired
Books (in English) Children and the Politics of Sexuality: the sexualization of children debate revisited, Palgrave MacMillan (2016) Tsaliki, L. C. Frangonikolopoulos and A. Huliaras (2011) Transnational Celebrity Activism in Global Politics: Changing the world? Bristol: Intellect.
Book chapters (peer reviewed) (selected) de Haenens, L. and L. Tsaliki (in alphabetical order), (2013) ‘Risk vs. harm’ in B. O’Neill, E. Staksrud and S. McLaughlin (eds), Promoting a Safer Internet for Children: European policy debates and challenges, Nordicom. Tsaliki, L. (2012) ‘Greek children using social media: Social networking risks and opportunities for children and the role of parents’, in Infância, crianças, Internet: desafios na era digital (ed.), Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Rovolis, A. and L. Tsaliki (in alphabetical order) (2012) ‘Pornography’ in S. Livingstone, L. Haddon and A. Görzig (eds), Children, Risk and Safety Online: Research and policy challenges in comparative perspective, Bristol: Policy Press Lobe, B., K. Segers and L. Tsaliki (in alphabetical order) (2009), The role of parental mediation in explaining cross-national experiences of risk by. In Sonia Livingstone and Leslie Haddon (eds) Kids Online, Polity Press
Reports from collaborative projects Tsaliki, L. D. Chronaki and K. Ólafsson (2014) Experiences with Sexual Content: What do we know from research so far’, EU Kids Online Short Report Stald, G., Green, L., Barbovski, M., Haddon, L., Mascheroni, G., Ságvári, B., Scifo, B. and Tsaliki, L. (in alphabetical order) (2014). Online on the Mobile: Internet use on smartphones and associated risks among youth in Europe’, EU Kids Online Report. Ólafsson, K., Livingstone, S., & Haddon, L. (2014) Children’s Use of Online Technologies in Europe. A review of the European evidence base. LSE, London: EU Kids Online. Revised edition [contribution to collaborative report; revised edition from 2008]. Attwood, F, C. Bale and M. Barker (eds), The Sexualization Report (2013). Collaborator in the report. Barbovschi, M., Green, L. and Vandoninck, S. (eds) (2013) Innovative Approaches for Investigating how Children Understand Risk in New Media: Dealing with methodological and ethical challenges, London: EU Kids Online.‘Introduction to ethical aspects in researching children and their internet use’ (L. Tsaliki and D. Chronaki); ‘Issues related to privacy, confidentiality and anonymity’ (L. Tsaliki, D. Chronaki, S. Vandoninck and L. d’ Haenens); ‘Language, gaining and maintaining trust, handling group dynamics’ (L. Tsaliki and D. Chronaki) Tsaliki, L., D. Chronaki and S. Kontogianni (2012) Greek Kids Go Online [‘Παιδιά και διαδίκτυο στην Ελλάδα’ – GRKGO] (in Greek); National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, partly funded by the Greek General Secretariat for Youth. Lobe, B., Livingstone, S., Ólafsson, K. and Vodeb, H. (2011) Cross-national comparison of risks and safety on the internet: Initial analysis from the EU Kids Online survey of European children, London: EU Kids Online, LSE [Contribution to collaborative project] Hasebrink, U., Görzig, A., Haddon, L., Kalmus, V. and Livingstone, S. (2011) Patterns of risk and safety online. In-depth analyses from the EU Kids Online survey of 9-16 year olds and their parents in 25 countries. LSE, London: EU Kids Online [Contribution to collaborative project] Livingstone, S., L. Haddon, A. Görzig and K. Ólafsson (2011), with members of the EU Kids Online network. EU kids online II: final report. LSE, London: EU Kids Online. [contribution to collaborative project] Risks and safety on the internet: The perspective of European children. Full Findings. (2011), LSE, London: EU Kids Online. [contribution to collaborative project] de Haan, J. and S. Livingstone (eds), (2009) EU Kids Online: Policy and research recommendations, LSE, London: EU Kids Online [contribution to collaborative project] Hasebrink, U., Livingstone, S., Haddon, L. and Ólafsson, K. (2009) Comparing children’s online opportunities and risks across Europe: Cross-national comparisons for EU Kids Online. LSE, London: EU Kids Online (Deliverable D3.2, 2nd edition) (1st edition 2008), [contribution to collaborative project] Stald, G. and Haddon, L. (2008) Cross-Cultural Contexts of Research: Factors influencing the Study of Children and the Internet in Europe. LSE, London: EU Kids Online [contribution to collaborative project] Staksrud, E., S. Livingstone and L. Haddon (eds) (2007) What Do We Know About Children’s Use of Online Technologies? A Report on Data Availability and Research Gaps in Europe. LSE, London: EU Kids Online [contribution to collaborative project]
Participation in other international projects The World Hobbit Project 2014-2016: an international audience study of the Hobbit film trilogy, working through research teams in 47 countries, and recruiting responses in 33 languages (www.worldhobbitproject.org). I was the team leader of the Greek national team. At the moment, we are drafting a comparative article on a four-country basis. The Game of Thrones research project 2016-2017 [http://www.questeros.org/About]: team leader of the Greek national team. Work in Progress: