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Postgraduate Program “Communication and Media”

The Master of Arts in “Communication and Media” is connected to the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Communication and Media Studies, University of Athens, and it is actually an evolution of the earlier Postgraduate Program. The “Communication and Media” MA has an interdisciplinary nature and is structured in five specializations:

  1. European Communications: Structures and Policies
  2. Public Opinion and Public Communication
  3. Cultural Studies
  4. Conflicts: Conflict Management and Communication
  5. Digital Communication Media and Interactive Environments 


The Postgraduate Program also awards a Doctorate Degree. Graduates from the Faculties of Communication, Culture, Journalism and Media, Philosophy, Social, Economic and Legal Sciences, Humanities and Sciences of Education are admitted to the Program. Additionally, the following graduates can also be admitted:

  • Graduates from the Schools of Fine Arts, Architecture and the Faculties of Film and Theatre Studies for the specialization on "Cultural Studies"
  • Graduates from the Schools of Computing and Digital Technology, Design and Applied Arts, Architecture, Graphic Design, Digital Arts and Fine Arts for the specialization on "Digital Media and Interactive Environments".
  • Graduates of the Faculties of Medicine and Nursing for the specialization on "Conflict: Conflict Management and Communication".

Any candidate who has graduated from a Department or School of Higher Education (according to Law 2916/01) can also be admitted after a recommendation of the Postgraduate Program Coordinating Committee and a documented decision of the General Assembly. For a doctoral research the possession of a postgraduate diploma of the Department of Communication and Media Studies, or equivalent domestic or foreign postgraduate diploma is pre-required. The normal duration for the award of postgraduate diplomas is determined as:

  • three (3) semesters for the Postgraduate Diploma in “Communication and Media”, and
  • at least six (6) semesters for the Ph.D. in “Communication and Media”.

Applications from graduates possessing a degree of at least "Very Good" grades (accompanied by the necessary certificates of equivalence from the Greek authorities when referring to a foreign university degree) are admitted. Candidates are obliged to pay 50 euros as examination fees for their application. The expenditures of the Postgraduate Program are covered by the regular budget of the University.